Why I Started Biking Again Part One

The shorter bit: I work at a company that does a lot of things, many of which I don’t like and a few I do.…

Hello Bikeness My Old Friend: Part III, Or Getting Your Money’s Worth From Google Maps

(Overview Post Here) In the last installment we ended up on Polyanna Avenue, where certain urbanists always live despite constantly being wrong. The pictures in…

Hello Bikeness My Old Friend: Part 1 of the commute home: Our Fifth Second Downtown Really Sucks!

(Overview Post here). Note: There really is a group pushing “Parmer!” as our seventh third downtown or some shit. Anyways, here’s the first part of…

Hello Bikeness My Old Friend Part II: Overview

Day 2 is in the bag. I’ll still have to explain later why I’m doing this and why now and whatnot. But the 2nd day…

TFT: Hello Bikeness My Old Friend

Due to needing to work up my stamina for a secret work-related project, and I’ll explain the reason I feel free to resume biking in…


Just found this encapsulated in one of Michael Bluejay’s constellation of web pages and thought I should copy it back here since I wrote it……