Why I Started Biking Again Part One

The shorter bit:

I work at a company that does a lot of things, many of which I don’t like and a few I do. One of the things that keeps me able to look at myself in the mirror every morning before going there is this new thing that some of my developers work on an e-commerce site for, that finally got close enough to the finish line to be publicized.

I’m supposed to get a test vehicle for this at some point, but it’s been delayed a long time already, so who knows. But I’m working back up my bike stamina for it assuming I’ll eventually get the thing. In order to do it justice, I’m supposed to use it 3 days a week; which for me means 3 commutes a week; and on this route to my office which has no showers1, that means electric’ing it in the morning and pedalling on the way home, which means my current bus-in bike-out plan is actually very good practice. And I just completed 3 workdays in a row of that (F, M, T) and my legs want to die. The enb.

Go here, enter, and if you win, buy me a goddamn beer you animal.

(Part Two of Why Now is coming whenever I get bored enough to write it).

  1. thanks, you awful CIO 

