Month: August 2005
Comments Off on False balance
False balance
Reporting both sides of an issue without coming to a conclusion is not real journalism.
Why I never voted for Clinton
Guys who did drugs shouldn't be putting guys who do drugs in jail
Pastafarians unite!
Have you been touched by his noodly appendage?
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Shuttle Buses
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
I Told You So
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
Future Connections has some hefty PDFs up for their months-long study which will try to make you love shuttle buses
The Wrong Direction
Bush lets big SUVs off the hook at precisely the wrong time
Comments Off on Commuting To Riata
Commuting To Riata
Bicycle Commuting
Bicycling in Austin
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
When Neighborhoods Go Bad
I had a nice conversation with Jonathan from Another Pointless Dotcom while doing some work last night, and it came to light that he works…
Comments Off on Future Connections Has Started
Future Connections Has Started
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Empty Buses
Funding of Transportation
I Told You So
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
Go tell Capital Metro how thrilled you are to get to ride shuttle buses when commuter rail opens.