Category: Charts and Graphs
Will you save money or time by taking the bus?
Bicycle Commuting
Bicycling in Austin
Charts and Graphs
Driving in Austin
Use Cases
This is a brief resumption of blogging for reasons due to the bonehead billionaire1 In fall 2021, I switched employers from a suburban cubicle hellscape…
Cap Remap is a disaster
Let’s recap: AURA, run by grifters and con-artists, bought in heavily to the grid redesign fairy dust theory. It didn’t hurt that their 2 chief…
Let’s Go To The Movies: Also: Why Nobody Takes The Bus There!
In a happy coincidence, this twitter thread came to me as I was about to take the family over to our go-to theatre; the Alamo…
Cap Metro: Same as it ever was
They’ve just cut off access to one of the few members of the press willing to report fairly and honestly on them because they didn’t…
Time is a flat circle
In the circle of life It’s the wheel of fortune It’s the leap of faith It’s the band of hope Till we find our place…
Austin’s land use ISN’T the problem behind Capital Metro’s poor ridership
Charts and Graphs
PS: I am not a crackpot
Rapid Bus Ain't Rapid
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
I just sent the slideshare version (contains more slides) to all city council members. I’ve exported some to images for this blog post; but going…
Central Austin boxes: 2014 versus 2000
I’ve started this spreadsheet (read-only link; you can save and edit as you like) of mostly strong pro-rail boxes in 2000 (basically central Austin, until…
Rapid Bus has degraded bus service overall
Charts and Graphs
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Rapid Bus Ain't Rapid
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
This VMU on Lamar at North Loop (google maps link; as of 9/5/2014 the streetview picture is from construction) is open now. I like it.…
A Really Crappy Chart For Your Monday
2008 Light Rail
Charts and Graphs
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
High Grade Bile
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
If you want more, let me know.