Cap Metro Fare ‘Increase’ Proposal

There’s rumblings afoot that Cap Metro is considering an across-the-board fare increase, which is stupid and sucks. Here’s a better idea, combined from two tweets…

Reminder on AURA and this blog

As we enter another Stupid Season in Austin Transit, remember that thanks to AURA, I have no real audience anymore, so if you want me…

Cap Remap is a disaster

Let’s recap: AURA, run by grifters and con-artists, bought in heavily to the grid redesign fairy dust theory. It didn’t hurt that their 2 chief…

On calling bullshit

Don’t sign AURA’s petition. They are assholes who are doing bad things and being dishonest about it. But even more importantly, once you have processed…

Hey, reminder: this exists

It’s hard to justify a large investment in crackploggery when Bad AURA is out there stealing the air supply. But remember, there’s always twitter. Today,…

Time is a flat circle

In the circle of life It’s the wheel of fortune It’s the leap of faith It’s the band of hope Till we find our place…