Tag: radically obvious dishonesty
Comments Off on Possibly The Stupidest Thing I’ve Ever Heard From Capital Metro, And That’s Saying A Lot
Possibly The Stupidest Thing I’ve Ever Heard From Capital Metro, And That’s Saying A Lot
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
I Told You So
PS: I am not a crackpot
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
Walking in Austin (Pedestrian Issues)
Capital Metro has the nerve to claim that the student ghettoes on Riverside and Far West are "transit-oriented development"
Buttheads at Capital Metro still calling it Urban Commuter Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
It's not urban, dammit.