Tag: Project Connect
APTA confirms Austin’s bus ridership is dropping
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
I Told You So
Rapid Bus Ain't Rapid
Transit in Austin
I tweeted about this yesterday and due to time constraints will just copy it here via storify. [View the story “APTA confirms Austin’s bus…
A short addition to the Honesty Agenda
Saturday while at my son’s chess tournament and writing this article, I also stumbled across an old exchange (pre-election) between some folks in AURA (obviously…
For 2015: An Honesty Agenda for Capital Metro (and others): Prelude
2014 Light Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Honesty Agenda
Rapid Bus Ain't Rapid
Red Line Myths
Transit in Austin
Right now, in order to get ridership numbers from Capital Metro, you practically have to file a freedom of information request. That’s not the case…
How pro-Proposition-1 establishment figures try to get away with it
Dave Sullivan, for months, on the CCAG, at meetings like this one: “Nobody will show me the data! Show me the data!” AURA, yesterday, released…
Being too nice is how the liars will win.
Lots of people on ‘my side’ of the Prop1 debate believe you can’t call lies lies and can’t call liars liars. Folks, that’s how they…
Where did the Highland alignment come from?
2008 Light Rail
I Told You So
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Subsidies to Suburban Sprawl
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
A short interlude from the “urbanists, seriously, the rail election is important” thread: As somebody who was involved in the Project Connect Phase 1 process,…
Bill Spelman was a bully.
Bill Spelman is a bully. Austin deserves better.