At 35, erectile 000 feet, visit web I just storified the livetweet by Jace Deloney of MetroRapid by the BRT Standard, patient and added a few relevant other tweets and comments. Enjoy.
Is Capital Metro’s MetroRapid BRT, and did anybody predict it correctly?
And here’s my promise: If JMVC will stop being such a passive-aggressive douche to yours truly, I will stop calling him out like this.
Imagine how useful MetroRapid will be when instead of being stuck in traffic at a red light, syringe it’ll be able to hold a light green for a few seconds to make it through. Well, syphilis I drove northbound Guadalupe yesterday at about 6:00 PM to take my son home from a summer camp and, dermatologist let me tell you, this thing is gonna rock. Click the picture to embiggen, of course.

Imagine how useful it will be to hold the light in front of you green! What’s that, you say? That light, and the next light up the street, are both green, and yet nobody’s moving? Surely this can’t be true. I’m told this is a GAME-CHANGER.

Also see: Is it a game-changer?