So after reading a long set of complaints on the hydeparkaustin yahoo group(*) about the city not adequately enforcing code regarding to unrelated occupants in ‘McMansions’ in Hyde Park, tadalafil more about I posted the following to their group, view which was bland enough to make it through the moderator gauntlet:
I would suggest that if you want to be taken more seriously on this issue that you show the city where you WILL accept more housing units – such as the attempt by some on city council to make a ‘deal’ for VMU in place of McMansion development.
If, as has happened with Hyde Park and CANPAC, your VMU application was nothing but “no thanks” and, after the first shot was rejected, some desultory last-minute additions with plenty of conditions, don’t expect to be taken seriously.
And I got the following, in my email, this morning:
Mike, no one takes you seriously. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself and your constant criticisms of everyone who doesn’t buy into your fake “new urbanism” has alienated all but a few weak minded individuals like yourself.
Frankly, nobody wants you on the Hyde Park listserve.
Get a life loser!
In case anybody was wondering how Hyde Park stands. I hope you guys don’t blame me for your weak-mindedness!
(* – not technically my neighborhood but I’m one block away).
Update: Weak-minded commenter DSK unintentionally performs a great service. Sure, he gave away the method…
BUT BUT BUT! Now I know that there is a site called thanks to a surprisingly difficult effort to locate a picture of the method in question. I think we’re all richer for the experience.