Comments Off on Cost of driving to driver

Cost of driving to driver

True variable cost of driving for most choice commuters is much less than the IRS figure of 27.5 cents per mile. Cap Metro had better…
Comments Off on bus hilarity

bus hilarity

a modern tragedy involving three drunk guys and the bus
Comments Off on Neighborhood Plans: Threat or Menace?

Neighborhood Plans: Threat or Menace?

University area neighborhood plan is not as helpful to the city as you might have thought.
Comments Off on Followup


Adam wrote a thoughtful comment to the previous entry which I started to respond to in comments and then realized it was going to be…

More fun with bad cyclists

Austin cyclists continue to shoot selves in foot by running red lights and stop signs. Big surprise.

Shoal Creek Debacle, Part XXXVII

Shoal Creek used to be a great bicycle route for us law-abiding commuters. Then, the neighbors got involved.
Comments Off on Bike Lanes: Threat or Menace?

Bike Lanes: Threat or Menace?

People who think wide curb lanes are always the answer are stupid and smell funny.