Month: September 2005
You don’t get TOD with buses (or commuter rail)
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
I Told You So
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
TOD won't happen with Rapid Bus. Sorry, Oak Hill.
Claims about Spring don’t Spring
Driving in Austin
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Urban Design
Walking in Austin (Pedestrian Issues)
When Neighborhoods Go Bad
OWANA misleads about traffic impact of Spring - they just don't want additional density at all.
Economic theory and physical reality
Silly analogy is an attempt to tell economists that physics matters
SCB: Speed Is Not The Problem
Bicycle Commuting
Bicycling in Austin
I Told You So
The Shoal Creek Debacle
Urban Design
When Neighborhoods Go Bad
The problem on Shoal Creek Boulevard is not speed, it's the high likelihood of unexpected conflict between vehicles.
Comments Off on Shoal Creek Meeting Is Done
Shoal Creek Meeting Is Done
Bicycle Commuting
Bicycling in Austin
I Told You So
PS: I am not a crackpot
The Shoal Creek Debacle
Urban Design
When Neighborhoods Go Bad
Meeting done; another letter sent.
Frustration with simplistic market analysis
Why don't self-identified libertarians spend more time analyzing markets?
Letter to Council on Shoal Creek Debacle
Bicycle Commuting
Bicycling in Austin
I Told You So
PS: I am not a crackpot
The Shoal Creek Debacle
Urban Design
When Neighborhoods Go Bad
Letter to Council about the Shoal Creek Debacle
More on the gas tax