Category: Rapid Bus Ain’t Rapid
Project Connect Phase 1 Lie Number 2
“We can’t ask the Federal government to fund urban rail on Lamar/Guadalupe because they already paid for Rapid Bus, and they told us they wouldn’t…
For the record
Over the last few years, I’ve written many times on this blog that Capital Metro was eliminating half of the local service on the route…
MetroRapid: What you REALLY need to know
A comment I posted to this PR fluff piece by Movability: What you need to know is that this REDUCES frequency for current 1/101 riders…
Why shouldn’t we just say we’ll play along if they come clean about Rapid Bus?
2008 Light Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
PS: I am not a crackpot
Rapid Bus Ain't Rapid
Transit in Austin
This meme has been floating around the tworterverse. The words below were sent by me over Thanksgiving in response to an email from a CCAG…
The outline of the speech I didn’t give
[evp_embed_video url=”″] to which I do not know how much energy I shall devote as it appears to be oriented towards an effort to get…
2000 words for today on MetroRapid
is very low. I keep having to drag up this old Chronicle article so much I finally thought I’d better link to it AND excerpt…
At 35, erectile 000 feet, visit web I just storified the livetweet by Jace Deloney of MetroRapid by the BRT Standard, patient and added a…