Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Funding of Transportation
I Told You So
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
I couldn’t put it any better myself. This is how Mike Krusee’s killed Austin’s hopes at getting intracity transit back from the dark ages of slow jerky buses.
One issue I see coming is how to target the cost of the public transportation to those who use it and lighten the load on those who do not. Due to cost most cities use regional or state funding to offset the amount charged to the user, and that opens the door to regional and state meddling.
I am not against public transportation, just against subsidizing it for those who wish to live in Leander and work in downtown Austin. (I would guess that where I live in Northwest Austin would be considered suburban, but I am only 2 miles from work. Almost 75% of my drive is through the twisting subdivisions.)
Is there some way of getting a better solution and fund it via user fees and maybe property taxes on business near access points who might see higher customer traffic?
How can we do this without another gouging of the everyone’s property taxes?
Before you start talking about increasing the FRR of our city bus system, I recommend you read this article:
Suffice to say, the population of motorists in Austin is getting a much bigger subsidy from us all than are the transit users.
Re: the article, very well put indeed.
“Until [Austin] stands on its own, mentally, fiscally, aesthetically, we’ll be enervated with mediocrity and governed from afar.”