Category: Worst Person In Austin
Some pretty pictures
Go click-crazy on these pics, man. In response to yesterday’s post: Some things I found in five seconds on the internet (I’m on vacation –…
Cap Metro operating subsidies – then and now
Austin taxpayers are subsidizing Red Line riders (MANY from cities that don't pay CM taxes) at about $35/ride. Still.
Austin environmentalists continue proud tradition of harming the environment
Bicycling in Austin
High Grade Bile
Lousy Bike Facilities
When Neighborhoods Go Bad
Worst Person In Austin
My most recent Austin Sierran arrived (guess what? M1EK is a life member!) and as I usually do, I read the minutes from the monthly…
M1EK in comments: Why waste your time giving input?
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
I Told You So
PS: I am not a crackpot
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Worst Person In Austin
Only the people willing to exercise their power really matter, at least with Capital Metro.
Board of Adjustment versus Urbanism
I Told You So
Subsidies to Suburban Sprawl
Urban Design
When Neighborhoods Go Bad
Worst Person In Austin
Jeff Jack and Bryan King think there should be more surface parking lots downtown.
Don’t Let The Door Hit You, Fred
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
I Told You So
Transit in Austin
Worst Person In Austin
Fred screwed Austin out of rail for a generation. Good riddance.