Austin Bus Service

It’s super neat that people are suggesting doing the right thing. In 2017. It’s also super neat that the guy who claimed to be supporting…

NIMBYs: a play in five acts

Hot off the presses from its original run in the North University Neighborhood Association yahoo group, I bring you: NIMBYs: a play in five acts.

Ryan Robinson: The Data Were Cooked

With regards to Project Connect 1.0, it’s nice to hear somebody with some audience finally admit to what all of us involved in the process…

Cap Metro Is Lying To You About Guadalupe

In Project Connect 2.0 meetings, they are still saying that “nothing is decided” and that the horseshit decision to put Lamar and Guadalupe in the…


Sorry for the garbage in all of the old posts. I was apparently victimized by a database injection hack (via PHP, the bane of my…

CodeNEXT was not worth the wait

This is my short and sharp reading of the CodeNEXT ‘draft’ that came out this week. I’ve been describing it as “activist flypaper” for years…