Driving: Fixed versus variable

Don't assume you're going to save a lot of money on depreciation by leaving your car at home today and riding the bus. It doesn't…

I’m off the capitalist medicine bandwagon

If a conservative is a “liberal who has been mugged”, approved there as the hoary old saying goes, here then a modern proponent of socialized…


A really great comeback to monocle-wearing wankers who complain about the double taxation of corporate income

Survivorship bias

Finally found a good term for the "well, it worked for us every time in the past" fallacy.

Yes, We Can Be This Dumb

Gas getting expensive. Oil hard to produce. Let's subsidize big trucks!

Good short link

The market can't produce an energy source for us that violates the laws of thermodynamics, no matter how much we're willing to pay.

Higher minimum wage

Anectdote about higher minimum wage helping, rather than hurting, business

Things I hate about Wal-Mart

I hate Wal-Mart too, just in case you were wondering, but that's not moral justification for suing the city.