Uh, thanks, but no

Neighborhoods fighting Wal-Mart attempt to lay claim to title "urban".

Ironystorm 2007

Contrary to what Sal Costello’s band of merry anti-tollers alleges, healing pills SH45 and SH130, viagra order as tollways, purchase were always supposed to get…

SH45 and SH130 were ALWAYS in the plan

Mayor Watson didn't "re-allocate" freeway money to SH45,130 tollways; they were ALWAYS supposed to be receiving those funds.

McDorms happened because idiots restricted apartments

Austin Contrarian adds an additional good point to the argument that neighborhoods created the McDorm phenomena themselves.

Things I hate about Wal-Mart

I hate Wal-Mart too, just in case you were wondering, but that's not moral justification for suing the city.