Category: 2008 Light Rail
Listen for M1EK
2008 Light Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
PS: I am not a crackpot
Transit in Austin
KUT just called and I recorded a few snippets with them about commuter rail (they’re most interested in today’s delay announcement for commuter rail which…
Time for the adults to slam on the brakes
2008 Light Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
PS: I am not a crackpot
Transit in Austin
Capital Metro seeks federal dollars to triple-track the useless Red Line?
Gee, thanks
2008 Light Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
I Told You So
PS: I am not a crackpot
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Outsider points out that a ton of people work along the #1 corridor, not the stupid commuter rail line. Gosh, has anybody ever noticed that…
Push the rail back on track
This is pretty amazing. Thanks to Barry Ritholtz for finding it. The original: The update: True. These guys LOST TO OLE MISS. AT HOME. No,…
Why the new library is in the wrong place
2008 Light Rail
I Told You So
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
Walking in Austin (Pedestrian Issues)
A better image of the problem the new library faces with transit accessibility
Austin Contrarian on Austin Rail
2008 Light Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Funding of Transportation
I Told You So
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
Sorry for the long break. I’ve been on business trips to Jebusland for 3 of the last 7 weeks, malady about it and had a…
In print again
2008 Light Rail
Bicycle Commuting
Bicycling in Austin
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Driving in Austin
PS: I am not a crackpot
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
Walking in Austin (Pedestrian Issues)
The Good Life and the bad spelling
BRT is a fraud (so is Rapid Bus)
2008 Light Rail
Funding of Transportation
Rapid Bus Ain't Rapid
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Rapid Bus is a slap in the face to the Austinites who pay almost all of Capital Metro's bills. Cut out this nonsense and build…
The trouble with Manor to Mueller
The problem with Manor, and a solution that doesn't involve simply wishing cars won't slow down the train
Yes, that was me you heard this morning
2008 Light Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
PS: I am not a crackpot
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Urban Design
M1EK on the radio