Month: October 2004
How you’ll use commuter rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Proof Capital Metro expects you to use a shuttle bus to get to your downtown job
Chronicle mention
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
The Chronicle says you need to vote Yes on rail or Capital Metro gets it. I think you should be even more scared of a…
Link from Prentiss
Prentiss Riddle, who won the award this year for Best Blogger in Austin, has written about Capital Metro’s commuter rail proposal, and has referred to…
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Today’s panel
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
Scott Polikov beat me today on the LBJ panel, and I'm steamed.
Comments Off on Quickie
Trying to fix this plan with streetcars is like trying to fix a gaping chest wound with a band-aid
More on our Commuter Rail Model, Tri-Rail
Don't Hurt Us Mr. Krusee, We'll Do Whatever You Want
Republicans Hate Poor People
Republicans Hate Public Transportation
Republicans Hate The Environment
Texas Republicans Hate Cities
Transit in Austin
"Tri-Rail, South Florida's poky, 15-year-old commuter railway [...] doesn't offer riders destinations they truly need or desire, nor convenient times to get there."